Selling a home in Orange County isn’t always easy.  Of course, it helps to have an experienced OC real estate agent by your side to walk you through the process and advise you on how best to sell your property.  That being said, many of my clients ask me how they can make sure the home that they are selling is being shown in the best light.  Here are my suggestions:

  • Keep it Clean! Nobody wants to see a messy house. So, even if you have kids who love to throw their toys around, put it all away so that your potential buyer doesn’t get bogged down in the clutter.
  • Set the Mood! As any relationship expert can tell you, mood matters.  Strategically light your home to ensure that your potential buyers focus on the bests part of your home and feel relaxed and comfortable walking around.
  • Do a Quick Run Through. Before you head out for the day, check bathrooms, bedrooms, and other nooks and crannies for anything out of place.
  • Leave! This is one of the most important pieces of advice I give my clients and you would be shocked with how many do not listen to me!  Going back to wanting your potential buyer to feel comfortable, it is imperative that you give the buyer space by leaving before the buyer is expected and returning home long after they have left.  This includes kids — bring them to the park for a play day.

I understand that selling your home can be a sensitive time. However, in order to sell you need to make sure every potential buyer is as charmed by your Orange County property as you are — and this means sometimes inconveniencing yourself.  In the end it will be worth it!

For more Orange County real estate tips, follow Cheryl on Twitter @CherylSellsOC!

Cheryl Marquis has been an active and successful real estate agent in South Orange County, California for more than 25 years. As a TOP PRODUCER in her company, Cheryl has received the specific accreditation of a Certified Relocation Specialist (CRS) and Accredited Buyers Agent (ABR) and is a member of the Who’s Who of Luxury Real Estate, a select network of the world’s leading luxury home agents. A member of C.A.R. (California Association of Realtors), N.A.R. (National Association of Realtors) and O.C.A.R. (Orange County Association of Realtors).  To talk to Cheryl about buying or selling a home in Orange County, call her at 949.683.1501 or visit her online at